Saturday, January 1, 2011


The town of Chefchaouen had, until the 1920's been visited by just 3 westerners: Two of whom were missionaries. One, in disguise stayed an hour, the other was poisoned by locals. How's that for fuckin real!
I know that reads like a guide book .. But its a great fact.

The locals are considerably more friendly today.

This old mountain town is another world.
Another beautiful world.
Inside the medina an amazing journey begins first with your eyes.
it's a wonderful experiment in how colour can lift your spirit, I smiled from ear to ear as I began to explore the narrow lane ways.
The medina overflows at every angle with light reflecting off many shades of blue.
The town is painted blue. Soft, warm shades that drift from crystal clear sky through faded indigos and settle in rich, luscious lilacs.
You are immersed in the colours, your eyes feast on them, seeking out different shades to devour.

This morning the riad served me some delicious, savoury, fried (kind of) doughnuts for breakfast and I discovered that one of the "three fromages" I had eaten at La Tangerina, was infact butter. Doh!
Pale, almost white, home churned, unsalted butter that looked a LOT like cheese OK.
I've stopped eating it with a fork now.

1 comment:

  1. I keep saying WOW, but WOW!! amazing looking place. Go easy on the "cheese" funny
