Monday, January 10, 2011

Djemaa el-fna

The pounding heart of old Marrakech is Djemaa el-fna, the big square.
Full of action from dawn till after midnight: during the day a wide open, bustling town square full of hawkers, snake charmers, orange juice stands, magic potion sellers, basket weavers, donkeys, bikes, cars and thousands of people .... Chaos right!
After dark this transforms into a circus with a hundred food stalls BBQing everything from lamb, chicken, pigs heads and fish to eggplants.
Then the show begins: story tellers, drag belly dancers (for real) bands, jugglers, boxers and game stalls attract hundreds of people to gather and watch for a few coins, shoulder to shoulder, vying for a view.
I got hustled, jostled, fed, laughed, applauded, gasped, touched up and wrapped up with snakes ... Just another day in the office at Djemaa el-fna!!

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