Sunday, January 2, 2011

Truck stop burgers

A funny thing happened to me on the way to Fes (subtitle: vego's beware)
Im on the bus from chefchaouen to Fes, it takes about 5 hours, winding through fields of luscious green lucern and vast groves of olive and orange trees. Just beautiful.
At about 2pm we stop at a Moroccan "truck" stop for lunch (surprise!), basically a big servo with a outdoor BBQ cafe on the side. The cafe description is pretty generous.
I was bloody starving, I'd had a fried egg and doughnut thing 6 hours earlier.

Whole hinds, legs, sides and generally massive chunks of beast hung in the open air for our selection ...
I, with the other western tourists stood back, wide-eyed, some with mouths open and surveyed the situation. WTF?
It took a while to sink in.
We had to choose our meat, the guy then cut a bit off (bare handed) and it was BBQ'd for you, wrapped in bread and eaten.
Voila .. Moroccan truck stop burger.
It looked like a bloody horror film.
But I must say the locals on the bus where pretty excited.
So I had 2 choices: eat or starve.
I went for the minced option (it was a show all of it's own): Kefta I was later told.
A chunk of beef was loped off the rump, thrown in the mincer with onion and fresh herbs ... Out it comes!
And all on the side of the bloody road. Bloody marvelous.
Terrifying, horrific and bloody marvelous all without the aid of plumbing or refrigeration.